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Runtime API Examples

This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data

<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data

<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter

<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

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  "socialLinks": [
      "icon": "github",
      "link": ""
  "search": {
    "provider": "local"
  "nav": [
      "text": "Guide",
      "items": [
          "text": "Introduction",
          "link": "/guide/introduction"
          "text": "Installation",
          "link": "/guide/installation"
          "text": "Fundamentals",
          "link": "/guide/application"
          "text": "HTTP",
          "link": "/guide/context"
          "text": "Views & Templates",
          "link": "/guide/views"
          "text": "Validator",
          "link": "/guide/validator"
          "text": "Database",
          "link": "/guide/database"
          "text": "ORM",
          "link": "/guide/orm"
          "text": "Authentication",
          "link": "/guide/authentication"
          "text": "Security",
          "link": "/guide/security"
          "text": "Testing",
          "link": "/guide/testing"
          "text": "Digging Deeper",
          "link": "/guide/authorization"
      "text": "Reference",
      "items": [
          "text": "Database",
          "link": "/reference/database/connection-manager"
          "text": "Validator",
          "link": "/reference/validator/schema/string"
          "text": "Views & Templates",
          "link": "/reference/views/globals/inspect"
          "text": "Internationalization",
          "link": "/reference/i18n/manager"
      "text": "Ecosystem",
      "items": [
          "text": "Attachments",
          "link": "/packages/attachments"
          "text": "Open Graph",
          "link": "/packages/og"
          "text": "Notifications",
          "link": "/packages/sse"
      "text": "v0.1.6",
      "items": [
          "text": "Changelog",
          "link": ""
          "text": "Contributing",
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      "base": "/guide/",
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          "text": "Installation",
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          "text": "Fundamentals",
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              "text": "Application",
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              "text": "Config",
              "link": "config"
              "text": "Environment Variables",
              "link": "env"
              "text": "TypeScript Build Process",
              "link": "typescript"
              "text": "Deployment",
              "link": "deployment"
              "text": "Async Local Storage",
              "link": "async-local-storage"
          "text": "HTTP",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Context",
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              "text": "Routing",
              "link": "routing"
              "text": "Controllers",
              "link": "controllers"
              "text": "Request",
              "link": "request"
              "text": "Response",
              "link": "response"
              "text": "File Uploads",
              "link": "uploads"
              "text": "Direct File Uploads",
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              "text": "Middleware",
              "link": "middleware"
              "text": "Cookies",
              "link": "cookies"
              "text": "Session",
              "link": "session"
              "text": "Static Assets",
              "link": "static"
              "text": "Assets Manager",
              "link": "assets"
              "text": "Exception Handling",
              "link": "exceptions"
          "text": "Views & Templates",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Introduction",
              "link": "views"
              "text": "Rendering",
              "link": "rendering"
              "text": "Template Syntax",
              "link": "syntax"
              "text": "Data Flow",
              "link": "data-flow"
              "text": "Conditionals",
              "link": "conditionals"
              "text": "Loops",
              "link": "loops"
              "text": "Partials",
              "link": "partials"
              "text": "Layouts",
              "link": "layouts"
              "text": "Components",
              "link": "components"
              "text": "Mutations",
              "link": "mutations"
              "text": "Debugging",
              "link": "debugging"
          "text": "Validator",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Introduction",
              "link": "validator"
              "text": "Custom Messages",
              "link": "messages"
              "text": "Error Reporters",
              "link": "reporters"
              "text": "Schema Caching",
              "link": "schema"
              "text": "Custom Validation Rules",
              "link": "rules"
          "text": "Database",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Introduction",
              "link": "database"
              "text": "Query Builder",
              "link": "query-builder"
              "text": "Transactions",
              "link": "transactions"
              "text": "Pagination",
              "link": "pagination"
              "text": "Schema Migrations",
              "link": "migrations"
              "text": "Database Seeders",
              "link": "seeders"
              "text": "Debugging",
              "link": "debugging"
          "text": "ORM",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Introduction",
              "link": "orm"
              "text": "CRUD Operations",
              "link": "crud"
              "text": "Hooks",
              "link": "hooks"
              "text": "Query Scopes",
              "link": "scopes"
              "text": "Serializing Models",
              "link": "serialization"
              "text": "Relationships",
              "link": "relationships"
              "text": "Model Factories",
              "link": "factories"
          "text": "Authentication",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Introduction",
              "link": "authentication"
              "text": "Web Guard",
              "link": "web-guard"
              "text": "API Tokens",
              "link": "api-tokens"
              "text": "Basic Auth",
              "link": "basic-auth"
              "text": "Auth Middleware",
              "link": "auth-middleware"
              "text": "Social Authentication",
              "link": "social-authentication"
              "text": "Custom User Provider",
              "link": "custom-user-provider"
          "text": "Security",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Web Security",
              "link": "security"
              "text": "CORS",
              "link": "cors"
              "text": "Encryption",
              "link": "encryption"
              "text": "Hashing",
              "link": "hashing"
              "text": "Signed URLs",
              "link": "signed-urls"
          "text": "Testing",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Introduction",
              "link": "testing"
              "text": "HTTP Tests",
              "link": "http-tests"
              "text": "Mocking & Fakes",
              "link": "mocking"
          "text": "Digging Deeper",
          "collapsed": true,
          "items": [
              "text": "Authorization",
              "link": "authorization"
              "text": "Drive",
              "link": "drive"
              "text": "Internationalization",
              "link": "i18n"
              "text": "Console",
              "link": "console"
              "text": "REPL",
              "link": "repl"
              "text": "Logger",
              "link": "logger"
              "text": "Events",
              "link": "events"
              "text": "Helpers",
              "link": "helpers"
              "text": "Mailer",
              "link": "mailer"
              "text": "Redis",
              "link": "redis"
              "text": "Scheduler",
              "link": "scheduler"
              "text": "Queue",
              "link": "queue"
              "text": "Cache",
              "link": "cache"
              "text": "Health Check",
              "link": "health-check"
              "text": "Rate Limiting",
              "link": "rate-limiting"
              "text": "Route Model Binding",
              "link": "route-model-binding"
    "/reference/database/": {
      "base": "/reference/database/",
      "items": [
          "text": "Connection",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "Connection Manager",
              "link": "database/connection-manager"
              "text": "Query Builder",
              "link": "database/query-builder"
              "text": "Insert Query Builder",
              "link": "database/insert-query-builder"
              "text": "Raw Query Builder",
              "link": "database/raw-query-builder"
              "text": "Query Client",
              "link": "database/query-client"
              "text": "Transaction Client",
              "link": "database/transaction-client"
              "text": "Database",
              "link": "database/database"
              "text": "Schema",
              "link": "database/schema"
              "text": "Schema Builder",
              "link": "database/schema-builder"
              "text": "Table Builder",
              "link": "database/table-builder"
          "text": "ORM",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "Base Model",
              "link": "database/base-model"
              "text": "Naming Strategy",
              "link": "database/naming-strategy"
              "text": "Query Builder",
              "link": "database/query-builder"
              "text": "Decorators",
              "link": "database/decorators"
              "text": "Adapter",
              "link": "database/adapter"
          "text": "Relationships",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "Has One",
              "link": "database/has-one"
              "text": "Has Many",
              "link": "database/has-many"
              "text": "Belongs To",
              "link": "database/belongs-to"
              "text": "Belongs To Many",
              "link": "database/belongs-to-many"
              "text": "Has Many Through",
              "link": "database/has-many-through"
    "/reference/validator/": {
      "base": "/reference/validator/",
      "items": [
          "text": "Schema Types",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "String",
              "link": "schema/string"
              "text": "Boolean",
              "link": "schema/boolean"
              "text": "Number",
              "link": "schema/number"
              "text": "Date",
              "link": "schema/date"
              "text": "Enum/EnumSet",
              "link": "schema/enum"
              "text": "File",
              "link": "schema/file"
              "text": "Array",
              "link": "schema/array"
              "text": "Object",
              "link": "schema/object"
          "text": "Validation Rules",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "Alpha",
              "link": "rules/alpha"
              "text": "Alpha Numeric",
              "link": "rules/alphanum"
              "text": "Confirmed",
              "link": "rules/confirmed"
              "text": "Distinct",
              "link": "rules/distinct"
              "text": "Email",
              "link": "rules/email"
              "text": "Exists",
              "link": "rules/exists"
              "text": "Unique",
              "link": "rules/unique"
              "text": "IP",
              "link": "rules/ip"
              "text": "Max Length",
              "link": "rules/maxlength"
              "text": "Min Length",
              "link": "rules/minlength"
              "text": "Range",
              "link": "rules/range"
              "text": "Regular Expression",
              "link": "rules/regex"
              "text": "UUID",
              "link": "rules/uuid"
              "text": "Mobile",
              "link": "rules/mobile"
              "text": "Required If",
              "link": "rules/requiredif"
              "text": "After",
              "link": "rules/after"
              "text": "Before",
              "link": "rules/before"
              "text": "After Field",
              "link": "rules/afterfield"
              "text": "Before Field",
              "link": "rules/beforefield"
              "text": "Not In",
              "link": "rules/notin"
              "text": "URL",
              "link": "rules/url"
              "text": "Equal To",
              "link": "rules/equalto"
              "text": "Escape",
              "link": "rules/escape"
              "text": "Trim",
              "link": "rules/trim"
    "/reference/views/": {
      "base": "/reference/views/",
      "items": [
          "text": "Globals",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "Inspect",
              "link": "globals/inspect"
              "text": "Truncate",
              "link": "globals/truncate"
              "text": "Excerpt",
              "link": "globals/excerpt"
              "text": "Safe",
              "link": "globals/safe"
              "text": "Route / Signed Route",
              "link": "globals/route"
              "text": "Flash Messages",
              "link": "globals/flash-messages"
              "text": "Session",
              "link": "globals/session"
              "text": "Stringify",
              "link": "globals/stringify"
              "text": "String Helpers",
              "link": "globals/string-helpers"
              "text": "All Other Helpers",
              "link": "globals/all-other-helpers"
          "text": "Tags",
          "collapsed": false,
          "items": [
              "text": "Component / Slot / Inject",
              "link": "tags/component"
              "text": "Debugger",
              "link": "tags/debugger"
              "text": "Each",
              "link": "tags/each"
              "text": "If / Else If / Else",
              "link": "tags/conditionals"
              "text": "Include / Include If",
              "link": "tags/include"
              "text": "Layout / Section / Super",
              "link": "tags/layout"
              "text": "Set",
              "link": "tags/set"
              "text": "Can / Cannot",
              "link": "tags/can"
              "text": "Entry Points",
              "link": "tags/entry-points"
    "/reference/i18n/": {
      "base": "/reference/i18n/",
      "items": []

Page Data

  "title": "Runtime API Examples",
  "description": "",
  "frontmatter": {
    "outline": "deep"
  "headers": [],
  "relativePath": "reference/views/globals/",
  "filePath": "reference/views/globals/",
  "lastUpdated": 1710048644000

Page Frontmatter

  "outline": "deep"


Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.